Saturday, November 19, 2005

A precocious youth

Scott's cousin* dropped by this evening with his two-year-old son in tow. I have a handful of things around the house that I use to distract the young children who occassionally visit. This child seemed mechanically inclined, pushing buttons and even unlatching the deadbolt to open our front door, though he could barely reach up to the deadbolt. Presented with a number of balls, the boy lined them up two or three times, before he decided to throw them around. He managed to unscrew the lens portion of my small flashlight entirely, and remove it.

Though he was quite interested in buttons, he failed utterly to discover the piano until I demonstrated it. Then he plunked and pounded on it briefly. After a bit of rousing twelve-tone, Dad asked him what that was, intending to have him name the piano. Instead the boy replied simply, "Sound."

Nobody corrected him.

*Not exactly, but I can never remember whether he's a second cousin or removed or just what.


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