Friday, August 01, 2008

Special delivery

I received a package at work today. I had requested a catalog from this company a couple weeks ago. They sent it by priority mail, spending about $8.50 in postage to get perhaps two pounds of stuff to California from Ohio.

The package contained:
1. A form letter from the Executive Vice President of Something-or-Other.
2. A binder with colorful pictures of their parts printed on the outside.
3. An itemized packing list, listing both the binder and the form letter.

Now, by "binder", I do not mean "binder with packets of useful information in it." The binder was completely empty. I suspect that the actual contents of this binder are back-ordered from their Somewhere Else office, but I'm not sure what to do next if they never appear. Will I just get another empty binder if I resubmit this request?

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Blogger Jon said...

That is purdy damn hilarious. $8.50 to send you an empty binder. How could the shipping dept miss that one? Plus you gotta ask yourself - how many other people got the same empty binder?

IMHO, just submit another request. In all likelihood it was an oversight that a some binders got sent out before an intern filled in. Probably put them in the wrong pile, etc.

02 August, 2008 00:25  
Blogger Dvortygirl said...

A quick follow-up... just a week or two ago, the other shoe dropped. They sent (with no further requests) another form letter and another binder, this one with catalog stuff in it. I have no idea what to do with the first, empty binder. Use it to show off my bumper sticker collection, I guess, and put something else in it.

01 September, 2008 23:20  

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